tccc302206 SCLC-21H Cell Line

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Product Description

Human Lung small cell carcinoma cell line SCLC-21H


Host SpeciesHomo sapiens (human)
Cell NameHuman Lung small cell carcinoma cell line SCLC-21H
Cell Type: Small cell lung carcinoma
TissueLung (pleural effusion)
MorphologyLarge cell-like
Growth PropertiesSuspension, floating cell aggregates


FormFrozen cells
Subcultivation RatioA ratio of 1:2 to 1:4 is recommended
Culture ConditionsRPMI 1640 medium supplemented with 2 mM L-glutamine, sodium pyruvate, and 10% fetal bovine serum

Misc Information

ProtocolSeeding Density: Start cultures at 2-4x10e4 cells/ml
Fluid Renewal: 2 to 3 times weekly
Doubling Time: 45 hrs
SubculturingOnce or twice a week add 5 ml of fresh cell culture medium, as soon as the culture medium gets acidic. Suculture as soon as many very large clusters are observed. Dissociate the clusters by collecting the cells, rinsing once using PBS without calcium/magnesium and adding 3-5 ml Accutase. Incubate for 10minutes at 37°C. Collect the cells following centrigation, resuspend in fresh cell culture medium and count
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