tcel441 SK-N-BE (2)

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Product Description

The cells exhibit moderate levels of dopamine beta hydroxylase activity.SK-N-BE(2) cells have a reported saturation density greater than 1×10^6 cells/cm^2.The morphology of the cells varies with some cells having long processes and others that are epithelioid like.The cells will aggregate, form clumps and float.


TissueHuman brain
derived from metastatic site: bone marrow
Growth Propertiesmixed, adherent and suspension
EffectsYes, an inoculum of 10^7 cells produced tumors in cortisonized hamster cheek pouches with 18% frequency.


Complete Growth MediumMEM/F12+10% FBS (164210-500)+1% P/S (PB180120)
Subcultivation Ratio1:2-1:4
Medium Renewalevery 2 to 3 days
CryopreservationFreeze medium: 60% Basal medium+30% FBS+10% DMSO Storage temperature: Liquid nitrogen vapor phase
Culture ConditionsAtmosphere: Air, 95%; CO2, 5% Temperature: 37℃

Misc Information

SubculturingRemove and discard culture medium. These cells grow as a mixture of floating and adherent cells. Sometimes many cells are floating, they can be harvested by centrifugation of medium instead of discarding it. Add 1.0 to 2.0 mL of 0.25% (w/v) Trypsin-0.53mM EDTA solution to flask and observe cells under an inverted microscope until cell layer is dispersed (usually within 2 to 3 minutes). Add 4.0 to 6.0 mL of complete growth medium and aspirate cells by gently pipetting. Add appropriate aliquots of the cell suspension to new culture vessels. Incubate cultures at 37°C.
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