tcel370 J774A.1

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Product Description

J774A. 1 cells are active in antibody dependent phagocytosis. Their growth is inhibited by dextran sulfate, PPD and LPS. They synthesize large amounts of lysozyme and exhibits minor cytolysis but predominantly antibody-dependent phagocytosis. Interleukin 1 beta(Il1b) is synthesized continuously by this line.


ApplicationBiological response
Transfection host
TissueMouse ascites
Growth Propertiesadherent


Complete Growth MediumDMEM (PM150210)+10% FBS (164210-500)+1% P/S (PB180120)
Subcultivation Ratio1:2-1:4
Medium Renewalevery 2 to 3 days
CryopreservationFreeze medium: 60% Basal medium+30% FBS+10% DMSO Storage temperature: Liquid nitrogen vapor phase
Culture ConditionsAtmosphere: Air, 95%; CO2, 5% Temperature: 37℃
Receptor Expressioncomplement(C3), expressed; Fc receptor, IgG, high affinity I(Fcgr1), expressed
DurationBiological response; Transfection host

Misc Information

SubculturingSubcultures are prepared by scraping or blowing. For a 100mm disk, remove all but 10 mL culture medium (adjust amount accordingly for otherculture vessels). Dislodge cells from the flask substrate with a cell scraperor blowing directly with the pipettes; aspirate and add appropriatealiquots of the cell suspension into new culture vessels.
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